Group Therapy in Raleigh, NC
Feel connected. Feel supported. Feel understood.

Therapy Groups in Raleigh, NC

Our therapy groups help you find a sense of community with others facing similar challenges.

Group therapy sessions at Your Journey Through are led by qualified mental health professionals. Our highly-trained therapists will help you learn more about yourself and improve the way you feel, as you create connections with other therapy group members who can relate to your experience.

DBT Group For Teens in Raleigh, North Carolina

DBT Skills Group For Teens

For teens (ages 13-18yrs) struggling with intense emotions, impulsive behavior, and interpersonal challenges.

DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) is an evidence-based approach that helps teens explore and manage their feelings and behaviors in a healthy and productive manner using 4 core concepts:


βœ” Mindfulness

βœ” Emotion Regulation

βœ” Distress Tolerance

βœ” Interpersonal Effectiveness

DBT is especially helpful for teens struggling with anxiety, depression, PTSD, borderline personality disorder, bipolar disorder, eating disorders, and substance abuse. Our DBT Skills group helps teens modify their behavior to achieve more success at school, home, and in their relationships.

  • 6 Weeks

  • $75/session
    (most insurance providers will reimburse some % of the fee; we can provide paperwork for submission).

  • Your Journey Through

    Raleigh Office:
    8305 Six Forks Road, Suite #207 Raleigh NC 27615

Women's Divorce and Separation Support Group, Raleigh NC

Women’s Divorce & Post-Separation Group

A non-judgmental, encouraging group for women who are navigating the challenges of a recent divorce or separation from their partner.

The end of a significant relationship in your life can be devastating. It can feel confusing, scary, uprooting, and isolating. Oftentimes, our very identities can become intertwined with our relationships, making it even harder to rebuild our lives as a secure, fulfilled individual. You may be experiencing anger, resentment, grief, or fear about what your future will hold. This group is about creating a place of safety for you by offering the right tools and community to support you in your journey back to yourself.

In this group you will:


βœ” Develop healthier coping strategies

βœ” Reclaim your sense of personal identity

βœ” Release anger and resentment

βœ” Process grief

βœ” Build community with women navigating similar challenges

βœ” Cultivate a sense of direction for yourself

  • 6 Weeks

  • $75 per session or $400 pay-in-full

  • Your Journey Through

    Raleigh Office:
    8305 Six Forks Road, Suite #207 Raleigh NC 27615

Childhood trauma group for adults in Raleigh, NC. Process your childhood trauma in a safe space with others who have experienced similar life experiences.

βœ” A safe and supportive environment to facilitate understanding, validation, and empathy.

βœ” Psychoeducation on the effects of trauma on the brain, emotions, and behavior.

βœ” Processing and understand of the impact of childhood trauma on various aspects of life, including relationships, self-esteem, emotional well-being, and behavior patterns.

Childhood Trauma Group For Adults

A therapeutic group specifically designed to help individuals process and heal from childhood trauma.

This group provides:


βœ” Emotion regulation and coping skills for managing triggers and symptoms associated with trauma.

βœ” Connection with other trauma survivors to help reduce feelings of isolation and provide a sense of belonging.

βœ” Resilience and empowerment: group members support and encourage each other on their healing journey, fostering a sense of hope and growth.

  • 6 Weeks

  • $75/session
    (most insurance providers will reimburse some % of the fee; we can provide paperwork for submission).

  • Your Journey Through

    Raleigh Office:
    8305 Six Forks Road, Suite #207 Raleigh NC 27615

Couples skills group in Raleigh, NC for couples seeking to strengthen their relationship, rebuild trust, fight fair, and improve intimacy.

βœ” Effective and research-backed conflict-resolution strategies

βœ” Attachment styles

βœ” Intimacy and connection

Couples Skills Group

For couples in all stages of partnership seeking to strengthen and grow their relationship.

This group covers:


βœ” Communicating with your partner in meaningful ways

βœ” Rebuilding trust

βœ” Fighting fair

  • 6 Weeks

  • $100 per couple, per session.

  • Your Journey Through

    Raleigh Office:
    8305 Six Forks Road, Suite #207 Raleigh NC 27615

Self-sabatoge group for adults in Raleigh, NC to support you through people-pleasing, perfectionism, procrastination, negative self-talk, and more.

Self-Sab0tage Group for Adults

For adults who struggle with procrastination, self-doubt, negative self-talk, perfectionism, people-pleasing, self-destructive behaviors and/or relationship-sabotage.

Self-sabotage is often rooted in deep-seated beliefs, fears, past experiences, or unresolved emotional issues. It can be a coping mechanism that arises from a lack of self-worth, fear of change, or an attempt to protect oneself from potential disappointment or vulnerability. Overcoming self-sabotage often requires self-awareness, self-reflection, and a willingness to address underlying emotional issues or limiting beliefs.

In this group you will:


βœ” Identify and understand self-sabotaging patterns

βœ” Develop healthier coping strategies

βœ” Build self-esteem and resilience

βœ” Practice self-compassion

βœ” Set realistic goals

βœ” Gain support from others who can help foster your personal growth

  • 6 Weeks

  • $75/session
    (most insurance providers will reimburse some % of the fee; we can provide paperwork for submission).

  • Your Journey Through

    Raleigh Office:
    8305 Six Forks Road, Suite #207 Raleigh NC 27615

Anxiety Therapy Group For Teens in Raleigh, NC

Anxiety Group For Teens

For teens (ages 13-18yrs).


Does your teen struggle with anxiety?

The teenage years are full of transitions that can feel challenging and overwhelming. This collaborative therapy group provides:

βœ” Evidence-based techniques to help teens cope with social anxiety, academic pressures, body image issues, self-doubt, anxiety-provoking transitions, and more.

βœ” An inviting and relatable space to help teens process and manage feelings of anxiety in a developmentally appropriate way.

βœ” Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) skills taught by experienced therapists who specialize in working with teen clients at Your Journey Through.

  • 6 Weeks

  • $75/session
    (most insurance providers will reimburse some % of the fee; we can provide paperwork for submission).

  • Your Journey Through

    Raleigh Office:
    8305 Six Forks Road, Suite #207 Raleigh NC 27615

Parent coaching group in Raleigh, NC for parents seeking support in raising teens with love and limits.

βœ” Effective and research-backed parenting interventions that get to the root of teenage problem-behaviors.

βœ” Typical teenage psychosocial development vs. mental health concerns.

βœ” Resilience-building (because parenting a teenager is hard!).

Parenting Teens

For adult parents/guardians of children (ages 13-18yrs).

This group covers:


βœ” Tips for communicating with your child in meaningful ways to prevent undesirable outcomes, such as academic failure, substance abuse, social isolation, etc.

βœ” A safe space for parents to connect with others experiencing similar challenges when it comes to parenting their teen.

  • 6 Weeks

  • $75/session
    (most insurance providers will reimburse some % of the fee; we can provide paperwork for submission).

  • Your Journey Through

    Raleigh Office:
    8305 Six Forks Road, Suite #207 Raleigh NC 27615

Is there a specific group you’d like us to offer?

We tailor our group offerings to your needs and requests. Submit your group request in the box below and we’ll see if we can make it happen!

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